Kiungani Road  (Syokimau) Machakos County  • Open Everyday 8am – 5 pm




Achieving More Together 


There are many reasons for setting up a Residents’ Association but perhaps the best of them all is that it provides you with the opportunity to influence decisions about the management and maintenance of your neighbourhood.

Syokimau Residents Association (SRA) – Who we are

In 2010, residents of Syokimau pursuing a similar goal, of ensuring access to basic services set up what is today a brand name is Syokimau estate, the Syokimau Residents Association (SRA). This has since become the channel for lobbying, advocacy and making demands from both the National and County governments to deliver services to the estate.


To be the preferred model estate in Kenya.


“Achieving more, together!”

SRA mission: to make Syokimau estate a first-class estate where residents enjoy high-quality standards of life through advocacy for the provision of community facilities and services.


All area residential owners, renters; landowners; business owners; area school administration; Churches and Mosques.

Membership is by registration and a monthly subscription.


Syokimau Estate spans over 3,500 acres and has an estimated occupancy of over 15,000 residents. The estate is a modern middle-class occupancy situated at Machakos County and is a fast-growing estate bordering Nairobi County and Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (J.K.I.A). Our offices are located on first floor, Cash Gate building, Kiungani road, Syokimau.


  • Incorporate in 2010, the main objective was to improve the Quality of Life of the residents.
  • Private non-profit association
  • Functions under the laws of the Republic of Kenya and conducts its business in conformance with applicable Machakos county rules and regulations.


Syokimau Residents Association is highly organized and Member’s Interests are articulated through a forum of leaders who are non-political and are referred to as the Executive Committee (EXCOM).

  • Elected Officials include: Chairman; Deputy Chairman; Secretary; Deputy Secretary; Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer
  • Volunteer Team leaders in the following Committees embedded in the SRA structure, Environment Committee, Water and Sanitation Committee, Land and public utilities, Infrastructure and Transport, Welfare and publicity, Investment Committee, Youth and Sports, Legal Committee, and Membership and recruitment committees.
  • Members (All Community Residents and Businesses)


  • SRA Constitution
  • EXCOM: Elected officials and Team leaders
  • Functions under the laws of the Republic of Kenya and conducts its business in conformance with applicable Machakos county rules and guidelines.
  • Articulates the SRA mission, accomplishments, and goals to the public and garners support from and for the community
  • Monthly Board meetings with written agenda and minutes
  • Semi-annual Community Business Meeting with written agenda and minutes
  • Membership programmes, activities and projects funded through fundraising.
  • Private and Public sponsorships.

General Affiliations

SRA is a member of the Kenya Alliance of Residents Associations (KARA) which is an affiliate member of the international Downtown Associations (IDA), The East African Federation of Residents Association (EAFRA) and the National Tax Payers Association (NTA)